Seeding tomatoes

SeedsIt’s that time of year again to start thinking about warm weather crops. Seems to me that this spring is early and the winter was pretty mild. Before I can seed any seeds, I have to make quite a few brail labels and sort everything out to stay on the organized side. I don’t like to plant tomatoes without knowing what I am growing. After all, isn’t the whole point in growing tomatoes from seeds to pick the best varieties, best tasting, the most productive etc.

Seeding tray with seeded tomatoes in individual 6 cells, with soil and labels Here is my 2016 list of tomatoes:

  •  Sun Gold
  • Sweet Million
  • Black Krim
  • Mortgage Lifter
  • Gold Medal
  • Amish Paste
  • Siletz
  • Super Sioux
  • Yellow Pear

 The list is not very extensive, but includes cherry, yellow, black and different red tomatoes. The Siletz are especially interesting because they are supposed to be self-pollinating and quite early. 2 of above varieties are returning from previous growing season, black krim and sun gold. Sun Gold is number 1 in sweetness and Black Krim just perfect tasting beefsteak for summer salads and sandwiches.

 “Ecclesiastes 11:4  He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.”